September 17, 2014

Wednesday again!

Wednesday is here again. My, goodness how fast weeks are going! 6 full weeks of Fall marching band left, I'll be 27 in 11 days, babies will be 4 months in just a couple weeks and just wow. The daily Same things every day but I am still having a hard time doing anything but barely keeping up. I had all these grand plans to get my sewing room reorganized, our bedroom reorganized (it's started!) and lots of fun crafts and activities for the big girls but they're just not happening.

Biggest struggle right now: breastfeeding. I never had enough for Sophie and Olivia to EBF, but I've been doing pretty good with the twins. They've had supplementation from the beginning for weight gain and such. Up until this week, they were only getting 2oz of formula each day but now it's closer to 3 or 4. I'm frustrated. I feed and pump and drink water and all that but I can't seem to get my supply to increase. The fenugreek didn't work, neither has oatmeal in large quantities. I know formula isn't going to kill them or make them dumb (I would hardly call my older girls dumb) but I really wanted to be able to do it this time. I have it in my head that as soon as the babies start eating solids in the next 6 weeks they'll want less milk and I'll be able to catch up. If only it'd work so nicely ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I know that you already know this intellectually but I just wanted to be a voice of reassurance to your mama heart that the babies will do great whether they can breastfeed exclusively or not and your body's ability to produce huge amounts of milk (or not) is NOT a reflection of your worthiness as the world's best mama. :) You are enough because you are doing the best you can with what you have and the babies will be healthy and happy with that!
