May 30, 2012

Post-baby things-Great job, Pinterest!

While waiting for Sophie to wake up from her nap today so we could go buy diapers & windex {yes, my life IS that glamorous}, I came across a useful post one of my friends "pinned" regarding some things you can do for new moms. A few friends of mine have asked recently what I needed or wanted the most after Sophie was born. Honestly, the answer was not to be taking a final less than 72 hours after giving birth and my mom but that just didn't work out with the time of year and everything. So, in my standard "I don't have a good answer but want to try to help" way, I mentioned a few things like helping with laundry, good snacks and pretty much whatever the individual mom would appreciate most. This lady has put together a good list complete with suggestions for various levels of friendship. If you have a friend or family member who is about to have their first, I would recommend reading this. Even if not, it's pretty amusing in parts so you might enjoy reading it anyway. :)

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