May 25, 2012

A little overdone and a Sophie video

Someday I might learn my lesson. Maybe. When our doctor said to stay down I think that's really what she meant. We did some very light walking last night at the mall- just to a couple stores with Craig- and by the time we got home, I was hurting all over and had some seriously hard contractions. No more walking around. This morning, I had a fair bit of energy when I woke up {I'm sure a HUGE part of that came from waking up to a CLEAN bathroom and a clutter-free bedroom} so I decided to finally use the few bananas that have moved beyond their Sophie-munching prime to make some banana bread. I figured that while the bread was baking, I could throw a load of laundry in to run. And finish the dishes. And sweep the floor. And water the plants. And play with Sophie.  Probably poor choices.

One load of laundry turned into two. Sophie wanted to play mountain climber and kept going up and down the stairs and would sit and cry if I didn't follow her. {Sophie woke up less than happy this morning so just about anything is setting off the water works. Including blocks falling over.} The contractions have been almost nonstop for two hours now. I've been sitting if I was standing when they started or standing if sitting. Drinking water, eating, going potty and everything else I've been told to do to try to get them to stop. I have a feeling we'll be spending the rest of the day very much down. Sophie is in her room now for rest time- which means at the moment she is playing with her dollhouse and airplane- and will likely nap from about noon-2:00. Beyond that, I don't think we're going to make it to the park until Craig gets home to take her, to Walmart to get eggs or really anything that might involve me not being on my bed or on the couch in the playroom. At least it's Friday, right?

In honor of it being Friday, here is a little video of Sophie discovering a laughing dog toy.

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