April 20, 2012

What a seriously lazy day

I'm pretty sure I completely wasted a perfectly useful, perfectly beautiful day. I know we got things done and even hit two tiny "milestones" but my use of the afternoon has left me feeling REALLY lazy and kind of grumpy as a result. Basically after we got home from visiting Craig and ate lunch, I plopped Sophie in her room (about 1:45) and she has been there ever since. Yes, I AM a bad mom today. She played by herself for a couple hours and is likely sleeping on a pile of pillows on the floor again. What did I do? Sent some emails, talked to a friend, updated our guard website, contemplated the meaning/usefulness of graduation, posted our dresser on KSL & Craiglist, started the washing machine and folded the basket of laundry on our bed. 4 1/2 hours and that is all I accomplished. No, pregnancy is not an excuse here. What a waste.

As for this morning... Sophie was ultra well-behaved and actually stayed snuggled in my bed & watched a movie while I was able to take a not my first of the week shower, she came into the bathroom after I got out and went to her potty chair and even used it a teeny tiny bit and then REALLY wanted to comb her hair and brush her teeth. After all of that, we snipped her tiny toenails not only without fuss but because she wanted them done. I was taking care of mine and wasn't offering her a pedicure so I assume that was the motivation. She enjoyed "filing" her toenails until I finally took it away from her. (She also happened to end up with some red polish that matches mine on them. Wonder how that got there!) After that, a little visit to see daddy at work, share some food and generally bring some cute to the otherwise pretty boring office. While Sophie was on her daddy lunch date, I was able to see a massage therapist and chiropractor who were in doing little consults today. I love massage but I've never had an "adjustment" before. I had no idea what to expect but some pushing, a little pulling and a big pop later, I can sit and walk with almost no lower back or hip pain. And yet, instead of enjoying that, I've stayed on my bed. Boo.

Hopefully I can actually get something productive done tonight and tomorrow. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I was told by my chiropractor to take it easy the first day and put ice on it. So, you probably did just right taking it easy and protecting the chiropractic work. You need to let it "set" so to speak.
