January 17, 2010

Yes, I'm writing one of THOSE posts...

Okay, yes. I AM writing one of those posts. Today you can read a list of several of the reasons why I love my husband. In no particular order...

1. He spent 6 hours in closed quarters around 8 high school (14-17 years old) girls yesterday. Craig accompanied me and my wonderful teenage students to a color guard show in Salt Lake City. (More about that in a coming post)
2. We have a cat. She is nutty. I call her Kat (Short for Katharine). We are best friends.
3. He asks me what the schedule for the day is before we get out of bed. If you know me, my planner or my life you'll understand why this is amazing to me.
4. He's an innovative & great cook.
5. He gives good advice
6. He listens the first time about half the time. (I tend to forget that when he's on his computer he's in another world. Call collect, that usually works.)
7. He watches "girly" movies with me- I fall asleep in the first 5 minutes and he watches the whole thing. That is love.
8. He is exceptionally patient. Something that I need.
9. He humors my silly whims- such as, lets eat pizza and fruit for dinner.
10. We go grocery shopping together. He leaves me to my list and he goes to play video games. It works.
11. I drive his car. He only holds on for dear life when I'm on the interstate.
12. He taught me to drive stick. (No euphemisms, please.)
13. He eats what I cook.
14. We both do laundry.
15. He really does support me in what I want to do- and suggest ways to enhance it
16. He is very generous
17. We can make poop jokes together.
18. He loves my brothers in all of their insanity, WOW playing and imaginative story-telling
19. We went to my family for Christmas- a major sacrifice with time and financially
20. He let me take care of him when he had surgery. He is about as independent as me and that was a huge way of him either a. Saying he loves me or b. giving up knowing that in his drugged state he couldn't really win.

So, there is my Sunday morning post.

Stay Tuned!


  1. i love that the #2 reason why you love your husband is because you have a cat who is your best friend ( :

  2. It is because of him we have the cat. I suppose I should have clarified that. :)

  3. Kodak "Kat" Katharine Nas-terson is her full name

  4. you are so adorable sarah
