November 2, 2011


Dear Sophie,

       Please nap so I can get the rest of this band audio edited and sent to the videographer. It would also be nice if you would STOP trying to eat the cat food. Us putting up barriers around it or only filling it right before feeding the cats is really not an invitation to try harder. Along that same line of thinking, the bench barricading the kitchen is not there to serve as a useful climbing toy- I have homework to do and that is to encourage you to stay where I can see you while I write about Chinese restaurants. You're extremely effective at completely wearing me out and leaving me with zero motivation to do any of my assignments, laundry or cook dinner. I haven't even had any catering events to blame! I'm sure this is just a phase and we love you lots and certainly don't want to encourage you to grow up faster than you already are {who gave you permission to be in 12mo clothing before even hitting 11mo, anyway?} but if you could move beyond the everything-must-go-in-my-mouth and I-can-walk-so-I-must-climb-everything phases, that would be great. Daddy might even get you some big girl toys if you did that. But not tonight. He won't be home until after bedtime- more nerdmongering to be done, I guess. Keep smiling and being a happy girl.

~a very tired mommy


  1. Be careful what you wish for, very tired mommy! The near future may include the "I-can-see-you're-busy-so-I'll-just-make-myself-a-snack-by-mixing-flour-and-sugar-on-the-floor-and-dropping-raw-eggs-into-it" or the always popular "my-favorite-toy-needs-a-bath-so-I'll-help-by-dunking-it-in-the-toilet" phases. Life is fun!

    With love,

    A not-quite-as-tired grama

  2. You mean, her helping me decorate earlier? There are now pumpkins all around our family room, the trash can is now in the pantry. Besides, she already manages to find things to eat when she's hungry- cat food, random carpet pieces (yet another reason I want hard wood floors) and picture frames.

    Oh, well. Only 33 days until I officially graduate!

  3. Well, obviously the child needs more fiber in her diet if she's munching on carpet pieces and picture frames! :-) Wish I were there to chase her around and laugh at her antics. She is truly her mother's daughter!

  4. At least she hasn't a button off the card yet...staple and all. Oh, and light-brite pegs too! Those were fun.

  5. HEY! I'm sure they ALL tasted good. And I still believe I thought the button was chocolate.
