March 15, 2011

I'm going to say it...

**Before reading this, please remember that I am NOT a bra-burning, man-hater.**

During the last several weeks it seems like all I have heard about is motherhood and careers and having to choose one or the other. I've read some very interesting things and points of view from both sides (thanks for the latest article, Lydia!) but I do not believe that the only way to be happy and fulfilled is to go the "all or nothing" route. I completely respect other women who decide not to work once their children are born. I think it is wonderful that they have the opportunity to make that choice. At the same time, I am also really disgusted with the people I have heard condemning those who have to work, not by choice but by necessity. And what about those of us who want to work? I guess some really believe we're the worst breed of them all.

I am fairly certain that people know I'm not your typical mom. Never have been (in the whole 3 months I've been one) and with any luck, never will be. Compliments of my mom, I have always believed that I could do and become whatever I wanted. I've wanted to teach since I was in elementary school. Before going any further, know that part of my plan has been to be a mother. However, I don't want that to be my only role or have that define me. Surprise! I do not find fulfillment in scrubbing toilets. I enjoy having a clean house (which, by the way, IS possible to have with children, but that's a topic for another time) but it's not the same kind of joy I derive from creating or teaching. I'm tired of the snide remarks, judging  and unsolicited advice. I'm not choosing to let someone else raise Sophie, I have a husband who supports me and encourages me to do the things that I find joy and fulfillment in. We are going to do what is best for our family. So, to the rest of the nay-saying world, I politely ask you to buzz off.

(Picture above is Sophie before a guard competition)


  1. Good for you, Sarah! Do what is best for YOU, and your family, not the rest of the world! Everyone is different! Do what you want... and as long as your happy, everyone else can either "buzz off" or support you!

    P.S. I choose to support you! :)

  2. When you know that you're doing what the Lord wants you to do, everything else really doesn't matter- hang in there!

  3. How you choose to live your life and raise your family is a choice best made by you, your husband and the Lord. If all three of you are happy, then it will be the right choice for you. Remember that cleaning toilets is merely something that has to be done so that you can get on with the business and fun of living. Whether you work within the home, out of the home, or a bit of both, toilets are just a fact of life, but they shouldn't define your life. Now go have fun!

  4. Jeffrey would say that what goes in toilets is fun...

  5. This granny would love to help watch grandchildren once her arm gets better and only part-time.

  6. See, that's the beauty of what I do. I don't have to leave her with anyone. She comes with me and we have a fabulous time. :D

  7. I completely agree with you and I felt much like you did.

    There came a time about five years ago when just after I had started a full time position I was wondering (and praying to know) if that was "okay" with the Lord. I distinctly remember being in the shower at 6 am one morning and the thought occurred to me- if you were not working- you would NOT be in the shower at 6am! And as I reflected for a moment on what my life was like NOT working- it came to me how much more productive I am when I DO work. I really felt the that the Spirit spoke to me directly and advised me that I am a BETTER mom when I DO work. To me- this is one of the wonders of personal revelation. That answer was intended for ME and only ME based on the Lord knowing ME. Sure, there are a lot of guidelines and well meaning people want to share THEIR opinion with you of what they think is right- but like wise "heather" above- if you, your husband and the Lord agree- then that is all that is needed.

  8. You do have a fabulous time with Sophie and I always enjoy seeing both yours and Sophie's smiling faces(and even when they aren't so smiley) at rehearsal. You are a great mother Sarah and other people don't always know all the ins and outs of what goes on in your life so they have no place to judge.
