March 23, 2011

Because someone asked me to say it like it is.

I hate being a "stay-at-home" mom. There. I said it. Happy?


  1. YES! ;) this is the United States of America, Sarah. You can do whatever you d**** well please!

  2. Honest opinion: I think you love being a mom! You don't like staying home. Golly gee you have only been at it how long? There is always a mourning period for change in life situations. That being said I think what you are doing, with Sophie and teaching, is great. A lot of people do better at home if they get out and do something they love if it earns money or not.

  3. I agree with Grannypam on this one. I know you love being a mom, but you're not used to so much free time after just finishing college. It's a huge change. I remember thinking, after I graduated and we moved to Washington with a new baby, "So, this is it? Really?" Go for walks, meet up with friends in your same situation, find something you love and can look forward to doing. Give it some time. And if it really isn't working for you, come home for a visit! I have lots of jobs (I mean fun activities) we can do together! And I could really use the help...

  4. Sophie is 4 months, so 4 months. I really don't like spending most of my time at home. I've always been busy and I am far more productive when I have other things to do and projects to work on. Why should I stay home and be completely responsible for all of the laundry, cleaning and cooking? Marriage is a team sport that requires equal effort from all. I'm much happier when I'm out doing something while Craig is at work and then coming home and doing the house things together.

  5. The way I see this is its not so much dislike of being a mother, its the connotation that comes with the phrase stay at home mom. Sure they do other things too, and Sarah never said she hated being a mom or she regretted Sophie in any way, but most people think Stay at Home Mom is a cop out from having a paying job. Society no longer demands mothers being strictly mothers until children are grown. Craig is supportive and wants her to be happy and is glad to help out and let her do what she wants. So long as Sophie is being cared for who cares what else they do to fill their time. They might not have a 1950's housewife approach to marriage but that doesnt mean their marriage is failed or they will be shunned from society because Sarah is more feminist than others and wants to do more than be expected to have dinner and dishes and laundry done each day. The only people who know what is best for Sarah and Craig is Sarah and Craig...and guys, do what works for you despite other peoples objections.

  6. Um, pretty sure the hating the stay-at-home mom life is probably due to the monotonous housework than the oodles of free time I'm SO SURE you have now, Sarah... *wink*.

    I'm all for you, girl. If you wanna come and have some fun with me and James, don't hesitate to call! We'd love to see you and Sophie! I've also noticed that it helps me break up the monotony of dishes, laundry, dishes, cleaning and did I mention dishes, if I get out and breathe fresh air and/or socialize for a bit. I think you are supermama and you're doing great!

    Just remember: You can do whatever you darn well please!
