August 29, 2014

Some Friday Randoms

Sophie Funnies of the day:

Me- Sophie, what are you doing over there?
S- Paying bills!

S- Mommy, should we do tummy time on the bed?
Me- You mean take a nap?

Olivia's Friday:
-She still cried (sobbed...) when we dropped Sophie off at preschool. She wants to go and be a big girl so badly! We had our own school time at home.
-She successfully used the toilet twice!
-My potty reward chocolates are inferior to grandpa's "pocket chocate"

Allison's Friday:
- She slept 6 hours in a row! Too bad Evie didn't.
-She is really starting to coo. It's adorable.
-She loves to play "sit up" (I hold her hands and pull her to sitting)

Evie's Friday:
- this girl LOVES to eat! She's already had 2 more feedings today than Alli.
- She has also thoroughly enjoyed her naps. I guess all that eating wears you out!
- She's also smiling and enjoys playing. She doesn't coo quite as much as Alli. No problem there :-)

My Randoms:
- It's reaaaally easy to overspend if you're a. Tired, b. Not paying attention c. Not paying attention. Oops.
- I reaaaaaally like paying as many bills as possible before the beginning of the month. Today was bill pay day. Woo.
- I know it's time to go grocery shopping because we have used EVERY SINGLE plastic grocery bag in the entire house. Seriously. Gone. I'll need to shop tonight so I can empty all the trash cans tomorrow.
- I'm really looking forward to being back on a regular menu, having a set routine and doing more cooking at home.

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