August 11, 2014


Today is not a good day. I've had inconsolable babies, a 3 year old who is being naughty just to be naughty and then turning around and being as sweet as can be and a 2 year old who is doing her best impression of a tornado in a trailer park. Not happy, Bob. (How many more movie references can I throw out there?) I thought things had started so well. In about15 minutes I was able to get several of my "daily" list items done. The big girls had a hot breakfast, we started our school time with Sophie and then I sat down to feed a baby and read to everyone. I blame Amelia Bedelia. This has to be her fault somehow.

It's now 11:30 and I'm still in my night attire, unbrushed hair & teeth, rocking one baby while listening to another cry and all I can think of is how jealous I am of Craig. He gets to leave every morning and do what he loves, spend time with adults, eat his (warm) lunch in one sitting without interruptions or little people sticking their fingers in it, and then comes home to a clean house, clean clothes, dinner and satisfaction from what he's accomplished at work. I didn't like being an at-home mom after Sophie was born and I'm not liking it now. Less stressful not working? I think not.

Is it really so wrong that I wanted to do some sewing today? REALLY?!

I guess I'll just investigate the thud and crying that is coming from the basement.

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