April 5, 2011

Off and running!

Aaah. I do enjoy productive weeks. Today has been pretty good so far. Kitchen is clean, floor is mopped, dishes done, beds made. Yesterday was pretty good, too. Sophie and I:

  • Did ALL of the laundry
  • Cleaned the bathrooms
  • Tidied the kitchen
  • Got pictures for her temple book
  • Ordered and picked up some posters for the high school guard
  • Went to costco to get a few food storage items (sort of misses the point of having them when it all gets eaten...)
  • Went to walmart to return some things and get lots and lots of veggies (yum!!)
  • Made a delicious dinner of soup and such (double yum... I LOVE homemade chicken noodle soup. Healthy and deeelicious).
  • Ooh, and I registered for my fall classes!That's right! Not only does this mean I can audition for the BYU color guard again but I'm going back to school and going to become a teacher. I've fought it for a few years but lets be serious now. I've wanted to be a teacher ever since I was in Mrs. Chambers class in 3rd grade, my parents have encouraged it since I came to BYU as a freshman and I LOVE teaching guard at the high school. It's about time to get the dang degree & certification. Hey, this might mean I could actually get paid more. Who knows? ;) 


  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY! :D I'm so so excited for you to be on campus again! We'll have to do lunch next semester :) Sophie will be SO proud to have a mommy with a degree!

    also dinner was delicious thanks again!

  2. When you say you will get to make more you know it wont be much more right? However, I am not one to talk since I am excited about the time when i return to teaching school.

  3. Anything is better than a lousy stipend :/

  4. The real gold mine is in lunch money. Most local bully groups are already well established, so you have to work your way up. I can give you a few 'ins' though once you start teaching. Also, I noticed you didn't wash your hands anywhere between cleaning the bathroom and making the soup...just sayin'
