December 4, 2010

A rather frustrating Friday

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a few things that really ought not be messed with. One is chocolate. The other is my schedule. Sometimes things need to be rearranged, changed or entirely done away with from time to time, that's fine. It happens. But when you have been planning for weeks to have something major happen like, oh, have a baby, on a certain day and then you don't, that is just totally un-cool. I have been on the schedule both with my doctor (the only one on her list) and the hospital (only 4th in line of a bunch) for several weeks to be induced. I've been slowly but surely progressing towards labor, been getting increasingly uncomfortable, don't enjoy the contractions (I guess you're not really supposed to but lets just say they've gotten old) and am about to lose it over the number of people who are constantly nagging me about when i'm going to "pop" or why can't they "see their baby yet?" I'm not even going into all of the unsolicited advice that continues to flood in.  Really, it's enough to drive anyone nuts.

I guess what I'm saying is that yesterday was really just the proverbial cherry on top.  We had to keep our entire day wide open since we could expect a call any moment telling us to come in and if we weren't there within a short time our spot would be given to someone else and we'd be put at the end of the list. As such, Craig couldn't go to work since he works too far away. I couldn't go to class- the one day this week that I actually had the energy to go- because if they called, I wouldn't have cell service. So, I missed my 5th day of class this semester, Craig went a bit short on hours and we don't have our baby.  Wondering when we found out for certain we wouldn't be going in? That would be after 6:00 last night. I got a call asking if I'd just like to be put on their list for next week- right in the middle of a final. Yes, that sounds PERFECT to me! By the way, there is no guarantee that we'll get in then, either. It's going to be the exact same thing as yesterday- keep the day entirely open. Don't go to work, don't go to class (or in my case, take a final) and just wait for a call.

Yes, I fully recognize the fact that I'm grumpy. Yes, our baby is fine where she is at the moment. Yes, we are incredibly thankful she's healthy and apparently comfortable. Sure, go ahead and even call me selfish for wanting to be induced at all (I've already heard it a few times.) Anyone who has been pregnant and been given a "stop-date" and then not had it happen likely understands exactly what I'm feeling. So, until she decides to come on her own- which at this pace won't be until January- or we actually get in, I'm off to do some more Christmas decorating and projects. Christmas lights on the bushes, here I come.


  1. No room in the inn takes on a whole new meaning :)

  2. Niiice, Jen!! Thanks for the smile :)

  3. Christmas projects sounds like just the thing. I found raking leaves after a day like you described did the trick. Don't make a mess with a project in the house though because that's when she'll decide to come and it will take months to clean up. Babies do that to mom's schedules. And remember we all love you and want what's the best for all.

  4. Yes, that is what we're going for.

  5. To quote someone pretty special: "Find Joy in the Journey."

  6. 1 T Castor Oil
    1/4 cup of orange juice
    (follow with a spoonful of ice cream so you don't gag).

    Repeat in 2 hours if baby hasn't arrived.

    Totally works.
